Panoply welcomes Simon Holmedal | STASH MAGAZINE

Panoply Welcomes Simon Holmedal as Director and Partner

From the release:

LONDON, UK: Panoply today announced the exciting news of Simon Holmedal joining the award-winning London based studio as a Director and Partner.

Simon has been Technical Director at ManvsMachine’s London studio for the last 8 years, where he has worked on ambitious projects crossing and merging the borders of design and visual effects. He’s also a global leader in VFX led motion design, speaking at international conferences such as OFFF, UsByNight and FMX about his exceptional love of anything procedural.

On joining Panoply, Simon says “I’m really looking forward to working with the incredible talent here at Panoply. I’m a big believer in the seal-team approach to design studios and the culture here fits the bill perfectly. We will be able to operate on an extremely high-level when crafting solutions for our clients. I have been good friends with the team for many years and I could not be more excited joining forces with them.”

Panoply Founder and Director, Mark Lindner, had this to say, “We are ecstatic to have Simon join the team here at Panoply. Having personally worked with him on many occasions in the past I know the experience and insight he can bring to our growing team is going to be highly motivating and inspiring for them.