World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic | STASH MAGAZINE

WOW: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic

Never played World of Warcraft. Never will.

But thank the gods and the hordes of fans who do, giving Blizzard the motivation and the cash to produce head-snapping cinematics like this one for the game’s latest expansion pack called “Warlords of Draenor.”

It seems Garrosh Hellscream has “escaped through the Dark Portal and forged the orc clans of old into a terrifying war machine known as the Iron Horde,” but we all know narrative is not the point – we’re here to get sucked down the rabbit hole of infinite rendering detail, the impeccable lighting, sweeping scale and blazing action. And then watch again.

FYFI: Duncan Jones’ World of Warcraft feature is now in post and due for release in 2016. [Watch]

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