Tales from Lockdown call for entries | STASH MAGAZINE

Tales from Lockdown Call for Entries!

From the release:

Seed Animation has just launched its latest animation community call for entries, focusing on poking fun at our new personal mundane, which is happening during this global lockdown.

Seed are inviting character animators to show the world what they are up to in the current stay at home scenario. They are looking for entries that show the absurd reality of the situation.

Seed will share every submission on the ‘Tales from Lockdown’ Instagram page and choose their favorite each week, which they will post on their social media platforms with a short intro from the artist. Once the challenge is over, they will create a short film with some of the entries to showcase how bizarre things got during this lockdown.

· Format: MP4 (max 50MB) and .MOV (uncompressed)
· 1:1 1080×1080
· 24 FPS
· 4 seconds – can be looped
· Deadline: May 15, 2020

Read the full brief here.