Volkswagen Exposes Your Blind Spots: Retail Installation Case Study

From the team at Ogilvy South Africa: “South Africa has one of the highest road accident rates in the world. Many involve objects in the blind spot. Volkswagen has a solution: Blind Spot Monitor.

“Using a specialized paint called Black 3.0, a paint so dark it absorbs 99% of light and removes all definition, Ogilvy Cape Town created “The Blind Spot” – a series of “invisible” life-size installations featuring objects that would commonly be found and missed in your blind spots like delivery drivers and cyclists. These were placed in Volkswagen dealerships and conferences during Motorcycle Awareness Month.”
Volkswagen Blind Spots Run Jump Fly Ogilvy | STASH MAGAZINE

Volkswagen Blind Spots Run Jump Fly Ogilvy | STASH MAGAZINE

Volkswagen Blind Spots Run Jump Fly Ogilvy | STASH MAGAZINE

Volkswagen Blind Spots Run Jump Fly Ogilvy | STASH MAGAZINE

Volkswagen Blind Spots Run Jump Fly Ogilvy | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Volkswagen South Africa

Agency: Ogilvy South Africa
Global Chief Creative Officer: Liz Taylor
Chief Executive Officer/Creative Chairman: Pete Case
Managing Director: Vicki Buys
Executive Creative Director: Camilla Clerke
Creative Director: Alex Goldberg
Copywriter: Alex Goldberg
Senior Art Director: Annie Bekker
Art Director: Ryan Barkhuizen
Group Head/3D Motion Designer: Neill Pretorius
Junior Motion Designer: Nina Roodbol
Producer: Sarah Rayner
Project Manager: Melissa Forgus

Production: Run Jump Fly
Lead Producer: Devin Armstrong
DOP/Editor: Sheldon Yoko
Producer/Editor: Dirk Coetsee
EP: Tristan Coetzee
Lead Production: Marc Nicolson
Production: Zahur Ameeroedien, Vincent Madziva, Ethan Elinhorn
Welder: Kenny the legend
Spraypainter: Brendon @ Tinsley Woodcrafters

Product Design: ThingKing
Designer: Cliff Beckett