Builders Club Adds AI Roster to Live-Action Film Division ZUKUNFT

From the release:

ZUKUNFT AI is Builders Club‘s latest venture, designed to tap into a new world of content creation. We’ve partnered with leading AI artists worldwide to provide our clients with cutting-edge production tools, enabling them to delve into the realm of AI-driven creativity.

Our AI collaborators include Leilanni Todd, Tom Furse, Sam Finn, Nik Gundersen, Daria Presnova and more.

Julien Simshauser, co-founder, CD: “We at digital arts studios Builders Club started our new creative studio focussed on film and photography ZUKUNFT almost a year ago. Ever since we have built a network with the best film directors and photographers. More recently, AI is becoming a very attractive tool for those creatives to generate fresh and exciting outputs.”