See No Evil Presents Aardman Animator Merlin Crossingham

From the release:

See No Evil presents Merlin Crossingham (Aardman Animations) & Parallel Teeth

December 1st | Doors Open 7.00pm | Talk Starts 7.30pm

Cafe 1001 91 Brick Lane London E1 6QL

As usual it’s FREE and there are great prizes to win courtesy of our friends at Stash Magazine.
We also have 2 copies of the amazing Rubber Hose After Effects script to give away, courtesy of Battle Axe!
But wait there’s more!

Since it’s our Christmas show, we have some amazing prints to raffle away from the lovely Nidia Dias.

We also have music from the awesome DJ D.Vyzor to party the night away!

So get down to SNE where you can meet some liked minded creative people, and have some fun in the process!