Secrets of Snickers “Brady Bunch” Revealed

Seamless and surprisingly extensive VFX from The Mill in the new Snickers Super Bowl spot from O Positive director Jim Jenkins thru BBDO, New York starring Danny Trejo as a royally pissed Marcia Brady and a surprise guest as Jan.

Final spot:

Agency: BBDO, New York

For O Positive
Director: Jim Jenkins
Executive Producers: Ralph Laucella, Marc Grill
Director of Photography: Trent Opaloch

For The Mill
Visual Effects Supervisor: Nick Tanner
Executive Producer: Verity Kneale
Producer: Carl Walters
Senior Compositor: Nathan Kane
Colorist: Fergus McCall

For Arcade
Producer: Kirsten Thon-Webb
Editor: Geoff Hounsell
Assistant Editor: Healy Snow

Music: Q Department
Mix: Tom Jucarone, Sound Lounge