Zulu Alpha Kilo Spec | STASH MAGAZINE

What Do You Say to Spec Work?

The debate over the pros and cons of creative spec work at Stash’s Style Frames conference in 2013 ended with the unofficial two-word consensus: necessary evil.

Toronto ad agency Zulu Alpha Kilo strongly disagrees, and produced this clip to make their point and “find out what happens when you ask people in other industries for spec work.”

Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo
Creative Director: Zak Mroueh
Art Director: Guilherme Bermejo
Writer: Nick Doerr
Agency Producer: Tara Handley
Production House: Zulubot
Director: Zak Mroueh
Production House Producer: Tara Handley/Daniel Kaplan
Director of Photography: Albert Huh
Casting Director: Shasta Lutz
Video Post Facility / Editing Company: Zulubot
Editor: Mike Headford
Colorist/Transfer: Roslyn Di Sisto /Smith
Audio Post Facility/Music House: Zulubot
Producer: Tara Handley
Engineer: Stephen Stepanic