Khylin Woodrow has the Soundtrack to Your Selfies

Oakland designer/animator Khylin Woodrow: “Mirror mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? It’s this guy. Here’s what life feels like when you love taking selfies.”
khylin woodrow Mirror Mirror Sound Track to Your Selfies | STASH MAGAZINE

khylin woodrow Mirror Mirror Sound Track to Your Selfies | STASH MAGAZINE

khylin woodrow Mirror Mirror Sound Track to Your Selfies | STASH MAGAZINE

khylin woodrow Mirror Mirror Sound Track to Your Selfies | STASH MAGAZINE

khylin woodrow Mirror Mirror Sound Track to Your Selfies | STASH MAGAZINE

Director: Khylin Woodrow
Song: Thesaurus Mode by MCFERRDOG
Coordinator: Sabine Doerstling

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