Case Study: “ING Future Me” AI Banking Campaign

From the team at ad agency GONG in Warsaw, Poland: “Future me is an AI-powered app we created for ING Bank that generates a personalized picture of you in retirement based on a description of your dreams and plans. All you have to do is take a photo and answer the question: What do you want to do in the future?

“Only 20% of young Poles think about their life after retirement. This is a unique situation compared to European countries. The only way to live with dignity is to save additional money in your retirement bank account.

“We combined several generative AI algorithms into one app. One to create an aged version of photos, and another to generate futuristic worlds based on user images. The last algorithm was used to enlarge images so they could be printed on canvas and sent as a reminder for the next decades that there is a future worth saving for.

“The production process involved utilizing Midjourney and DALL-E for combining multiple visual assets, and Stable Diffusion’s Image-2-Image and Topaz for picture finetuning. We used TikTok and Instagram as communication platforms.”
GONG-ING-Future-Me-case-study | STASH MAGAZINE

GONG-ING-Future-Me-case-study | STASH MAGAZINE

GONG-ING-Future-Me-case-study | STASH MAGAZINE

GONG-ING-Future-Me-case-study | STASH MAGAZINE

GONG-ING-Future-Me-case-study | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: ING Bank Poland

Advertising Agency: GONG
Creative Director: Michał Bucholc
Senior Copywriter: Adam Tokarski
Copywriter: Katarzyna Mierzwa, Daria Solarz
Senior Art Director: Damian Oleśko, Natalia Hołowińska, Paulina Jaśkowska
Art Director: Damian Czarnota
Senior Graphic Designer: Jan Czogała
Senior Motion Designer: Dariusz Nojman
Motion Designer: Maciej Garlicki
IT Director: Wojciech Rymaszewski
Senior developer: Damian Stebel, Paweł Pawlas, Jacek Saternus