Angry Birds 2: Bigger. Badder. Birdier.

Six years, 13 spinoffs and 1.4 billion downloads later, Rovio and Wieden+Kennedy London launch Angry Birds 2 with a completely mad porcine action/comedy created by Riff Raff director Francois Rousselet and the VFX crew at The Mill.

Shot on location on Pig Island in the Bahamas (known for a group of swimming wild pigs), The Mill’s team then created a host of CG pigs, palm trees, clouds, oceans, and explosions.

The Mill lead artist Adam Droy: “We created four variations of pig from brown and spotty, to a more traditional pink pig.

“They were all rigged in Maya to have a realistic range of movement; they could breathe, sniff and even flap their ears. We also ensured their ears had the right dynamics to add secondary movement when running.

“It was really important to keep the animation realistic, but at the same time add in the energy and fun from the game into the movements of the pigs.”

Agency Wieden+Kennedy
Commissioner / Producer Lou Hake
Creatives Paddy Treacy, Mark Shanley
Account Director Laura McGauran

Production Company Riff Raff
Director Francois Rousellet
Executive Producer Matthew Fone
Production Company Producer Jane Tredget
Director of Photography Martin Ruhe

VFX Company The Mill
Executive Producer Gemma Humphries
2D Lead Artist Andrew ‘Barnsley’ Wood
3D Lead Artist Adam Droy
2D Artist Ed Poulson, Gianluca Di Marco, Grant Connor, Matthew (Wispy) Clarke
3D Artist Adam Dewhirst, Andreas Graichen, Margaux Huneau, Peter Agg, Mike Chapman, Emanuel Strixner, Paul Donnellan, Vasilis Pazionis, Luca Cantani, Yoann Gouraud, David Hempstead, Adam Darrah, Radu Ciubotariu, Florian Mounie, Andrew Bartholomew, Billy Copley
Matte Painting German Casado, Carlos Nieto
Motion Graphics Kwok Lam
Colourist Mick Vincent, Matthew Osborne
Production Assistant George Reid

Editing Company Trim
Editor Dominic Leung
Editors Assistant Magda Plugowska