Copper “The Unfair Advantage” by Diarmid Harrison-Murray and Untold Studios

Strange and wonderful things are happening in the mountains of Iceland courtesy of director Diarmid Harrison-Murray, the VFX crew at Untold Studios in London, and actress Rebecca Ferguson (Dune, multiple Mission Impossible‘s).

Director Diarmid Harrison-Murray: “This was a very agile and dynamic process from the start. The brief came in from Adam Parry at Piccadilly Curtains and our visions were creatively aligned from the beginning.

“I wanted to make a film in which the visual effects were borne out of the landscape and inspired by its form; a revelation of hidden realities within, rather than a digital overlay.

“Also Rebecca’s journey and presence throughout these worlds were important to me as it gives the film a humanity that can sometimes be lost with big VFX shots.”
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Copper The Unfair Advantage Untold Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Copper The Unfair Advantage Untold Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Copper The Unfair Advantage Untold Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Copper The Unfair Advantage Untold Studios | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Copper

Agency: Piccadilly Curtains

Production: Untold Studios
Director: Diarmid Harrison-Murray

VFX: Untold Studios
Creative Director: David Fleet
Executive Producer: Sophie Harrison
Production Assistant: Jordan Malonga
Shoot Supervisor: Peter Eszenyi
VFX Supervisors: Tom Raynor, Alex Gabucci
VFX Artists: Sebastian Caldwell, Mathias Cadyck, Adam Chabane, Mehdi Daghfous, Wojtek
Piwowarczyk, Alican Gorgec, Francesca McCall, Greta Kossowska
Concept: Cameron Johnson, Clara Parati, Yann Benedi
Comp: Johan Alfort, Vanessa DuQuesnay, Doruk Saglam, Thiago Vilas Boas, Benoit Paya
DMP: Aurélien Ronceray, Yann Benedi
AFX: James Primhak
Colour: Julien Alary