Kong Explains Everything You Need to Know about Pool Betting

Kong creative director Bill Elliott in London: “At the tail end of 2019, the Tote set us the challenge of creating a video to explain how pool betting works and what makes it unique to both betting regulars and newcomers.

“The challenge of this project was taking a complex message and make it accessible and interesting, in just over a minute of animation.

‘The Tote’s marketing team developed the script with real clarity, and whilst we had to adhere to the newly developed Tote brand guidelines, we were given the freedom to develop our own playful spin on the design.

“We used the ‘plus’ motif as a visual thread to communicate the benefits of pool betting effectively. The character style is simple yet playful and positive to reflect the concept of pool betting as a fun, rewarding activity that also gives back to the industry.”

Client: The Tote
Creative director: Bill Elliott
Animators: Matt Partridge, Bill Elliott
Designer: Matt Oxborrow
Producer: Emma Burch
Sound Design: Iain Grant