Moth for CNN: “Blue is the world’s favorite color”

London motion masters Moth team with British art historian/broadcaster Dr. James Fox for the first in a series of monthly films for CNN called Colorscope “that explores our perception of color, it’s use across cultures, and other curiosities.”

Five cool facts about blue explained in this film:
1. Blue eyes are in fact pale brown
2. Of 64,000 known vertebrates, only two have blue pigment
3. Some Ancient languages didn’t have a word for blue
4. We can see blue better than any other color in the dark
5. Landscapes appear bluer in the distance

moth_cnn Blue is the worlds favorite color| STASH MAGAZINE

moth_cnn Blue is the worlds favorite color| STASH MAGAZINE

Client: CNN
Produced by Sarah-Grace Mankarious & Moth
Direction & Design by Moth
Animation by Moth, Joe Bichard, Jennifer Zheng, Aaron Lampert, Carlos De Faria, Stephen McNally, Ester Rossi
Sounds Design by David Kamp
Music by Giacomo Smith