Trizz Find Hope and Beauty in Planet’s Transition

In recognition of Earth Day, the crew at Trizz in Barcelona orchestrate an atmospheric, introspective, and full-CG look at a transforming world underscored by Charlie Chaplin’s powerful final speech from his 1940 classic The Great Dictator.

Oriol Puig and Alex Martin, CD’s at Trizz: “This film captures the sublime moments our planet might still offer in that dystopic moment in time, highlighting the uniquely human capacity to perceive beauty, no matter the circumstances. This ability fundamentally influences our relationship with Earth, a crucial trait to remember during the complex times in which we live.

“It was crucial to adopt a simple, authentic style that felt honest and genuine, avoiding any elements that might resemble fantasy or visual effects. This short is created fully with CG animation and render, no AI.

“The primary challenge of this project was maintaining a visual approach that stayed true to the concept without resorting to visual trickery or overproduction. Given the subject matter, it was crucial to adopt a simple, authentic style that felt honest and genuine, avoiding any elements that might resemble fantasy or visual effects. This short is created fully with CG animation and render, no AI.

“By producing this film, we are hoping to inspire viewers to contemplate their own relationship with Earth, encouraging a greater commitment to environmental stewardship and mindfulness in their daily actions, promoting a broader dialogue about sustainability and our collective responsibility to the planet.”
Trizz Earth Day Action short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Trizz Earth Day Action short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Trizz Earth Day Action short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Trizz Earth Day Action short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
Production: Trizz Studio
CD: Oriol Puig, Alex Martin
Editor: Joan Solsona

Audio: Trizz
VO: Charlie Chaplin