XXXX Dry “Yeah Nice!” by FutureDeluxe Sydney

With their original brief sidelined by COVID restrictions, Aussie beer brand XXXX Dry and their agency Host/Havas turned to the Sydney branch of CG specialists FutureDeluxe for something fresh and different.

Remi Abayomi, managing director at FutureDeluxe in Sydney: “The brief for this campaign started as a live-action shoot and the campaign concept (from agency Host/Havas) had been signed off and the shoot was planned. But then Covid happened and the agency and client had to change their approach.

“This gave rise to an opportunity to do something completely different for them as a brand and dip their toe in the waters of CG and motion design, which they’d never done before.

“XXXX is a traditional beer brand with a history of advertising campaigns shot live-action in the Queensland sunshine. But this product, XXXX Dry, is a new sub-brand aimed at a new generation of beer drinkers, so the brand team took the risk to rip up their old playbook and do something completely different.

“They wanted us to push them into new design territories. We have huge respect for them as a brand for having allowed us to push them this far, which not only feels very different and fresh for them, but also for beer advertising as a whole.”
XXXX Dry "Yeah Nice!" by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

XXXX Dry "Yeah Nice!" by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

XXXX Dry "Yeah Nice!" by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

XXXX Dry "Yeah Nice!" by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

XXXX Dry "Yeah Nice!" by FutureDeluxe | STASH MAGAZINE

Client: Lion Co.

Agency: Host/Havas Sydney

Production: FutureDeluxe Sydney
Director: FutureDeluxe Sydney
Creative director: Adrian Lawrence
Managing director: Remi Abayomi

Audio: Zelig Sound