The Deformed and Deranged: “Caterpillarplasty” by David Barlow-Krelina

From the NFB: “Fusing elements of Kafka and Kubrick, Caterpillarplasty is a prescient, grotesque CG sci-fi satire that lifts plastic surgery to another level.

“A powerful and sardonic take on a social obsession with beauty that’s spiraled out of control.”

Production: National Film Board of Canada
Writer/director/designer: David Barlow-Krelina
Animator: David Barlow-Krelina, Patricia Granato, Patrick Rouleau, Alexandre Francoeur Barbeau, Laurence Grégoire, Tulia Dicaire-Acosta
Cinematography: Luka Sanader, Stephanie Weber Biron
TD: Éloi Champagne
Producer: Jelena Popovic
EP: Michael Fukushima

Music: Vid Cousins
Sound design: Greg Debicki, Vid Cousins
Music recording: Geoffrey Mitchell
Foley: Karla Baumgardner
Re-recording: Jean Paul Vialard