One Small Pixel Ericsson Traffic Cloud| STASH MAGAZINE

Explaining Ericsson’s “Connected Traffic Cloud”

A refreshing 3D twist on the standard 2D animated explainer video via new UK studio One Small Pixel and London motion/design house Mr Kaplin for Ericsson’s Connected Traffic Cloud thru Jack Morton Worldwide.

Hugh Ip, creative producer at One Small Pixel in London: “The brief was to communicate the benefits of Ericsson’s new service, the Connected Traffic Cloud, which allows road traffic authorities to communicate real-time traffic and accident information to vehicles and collects information from vehicles to create a traffic data ecosystem.

Jack Morton Ericsson Traffic Cloud| STASH MAGAZINE

“Originally, we were tasked to create short separate looping animation segments to support a 15-minute Ericsson keynote presentation at the Mobile World Congress.

“With the success of this, Jack Morton were asked to adapt the presentation into a scripted promo film with those same assets for minimal budget. The challenge was that we had to get the 15-minute script down to 90 seconds, condensing what is a complex concept into something that everyone could understand.

Jack Morton Ericsson Traffic Cloud| STASH MAGAZINE

“So working in collaboration with 3D motion studio Mr Kaplin, we came up with the idea of all those separate scenes we’d already created being compartmentalized into rooms and revealing at the end as being all connected in one master traffic cloud.”

Client: Ericsson
Agency: Jack Morton Worldwide
Agency Producer: Meredith Power
Creative Producer: Hugh Ip @ One Small Pixel
Scriptwriter: Stephen Marsh
Motion Design and Direction: Mr Kaplin
Music and Sound Design: White Noise Lab