Frank Leone & Teardrop Estates “Shoulder Wire” Music Video by Ruffmercy

Bristol’s own master of ruff-house animation Russ Murphy continues his quest for hand-drawn nirvana in this latest collaboration with US musicians/producers Ross Harris and Frank Leone – a fun and infectious track called “Shoulder Wire”.

Russ Murphy: “I have previously made two videos for Ross and Frank (Teardrop Estates & Frank Leone) and the intention was always to do a third if time allowed.

“I knew they needed something for their forthcoming Sundrop E.P so it was on my mind when I was painting up some Super 8 film for another job. During that process I got the idea to paint character directly onto the film.

“I did a test and then got excited thinking I could quickly make a video for the guys and also something a little bit new for me. However, as I painted more film and experimented with adding new wave dancers I decided that I wanted to just explore the dance and exercise footage route and save the character stuff for something else.

“To be honest I was probably a bit annoying for the guys as I kept changing my mind as I played and explored with footage I had been gathering.

“They were super cool about letting me have fun and explore, and patient waiting for me to settle on an idea and get it done between other projects. I think it’s a fun one and I love the track, so was playing more than working on this one.”
Frank Leone & Teardrop Estates "Shoulder Wire" Music Video by Ruffmercy | STASH MAGAZINE

Frank Leone & Teardrop Estates "Shoulder Wire" Music Video by Ruffmercy | STASH MAGAZINE

Frank Leone & Teardrop Estates "Shoulder Wire" Music Video by Ruffmercy | STASH MAGAZINE

Frank Leone & Teardrop Estates "Shoulder Wire" Music Video by Ruffmercy | STASH MAGAZINE

Frank Leone & Teardrop Estates "Shoulder Wire" Music Video by Ruffmercy | STASH MAGAZINE

Artist: Frank Leone & Teardrop Estates

Director: Ruffmercy
Creative Direction: Ross Harris, Frank Leone

Music production: Ross Harris, Frank Leone