Hannah Jacobs Looks Inside “Healing Classrooms” for the International Rescue Committee

Director/animator Hannah Jacobs in London: “I had the pleasure of working alongside the International Rescue Committee to produce this short animation based on conversations with refugee children about their experience starting school after fleeing war and conflict.

“These are the stories of children from Afghanistan, Syria, and Ukraine.”
Hannah Jacobs Healing Classrooms International Rescue Committee | STASH MAGAZINE

Hannah Jacobs Healing Classrooms International Rescue Committee | STASH MAGAZINE

Hannah Jacobs Healing Classrooms International Rescue Committee | STASH MAGAZINE

Hannah Jacobs Healing Classrooms International Rescue Committee | STASH MAGAZINE

Hannah Jacobs Healing Classrooms International Rescue Committee | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: International Rescue Committee

Production: Pal Studios
Director: Hannah Jacobs
Script Editor: Harriet Gillian
Storyboard: Katy Wang, Kim Nguyen
Animator: Martha Halliday, Sheetal Thankey, Campbell Hartley, Matt Lloyd
Additional animation: Eloise Garlick, Jamie Kendall
Compositor: Zach Ellams