Claro Sports Olympics 2016 | STASH MAGAZINE

Inspired Style Frames Channel the Spirit of Brazil

Gabriela Badillo and Enrique Sañudo at design and animation studio COMBO, conjure a welcome mix of graphic elegance and vibrant joy in this pitch to Mexican Channel TV Claro Sports for a broadcast ID promoting the broadcaster’s coverage of the 2016 Olympics in Rio.

“The proposal was an organic graphic, that refers to Brazil, a country full of color, nature, rhythm, joy, organic elements everywhere, shaping this also in the character design.

“The color was about the joining of the Olympics and the TV channel, that’s why the colors have a special play in the ID narrative, representing the thread between these two, showing Claro Sports as the window or door to enter this festivity, this special event of joy, where all countries have peace and live together for some weeks, everyone joined together by the sports.”

Claro Sports Olympics 2016 | STASH MAGAZINE

Claro Sports Olympics 2016 | STASH MAGAZINE

Claro Sports Olympics 2016 | STASH MAGAZINE

Claro Sports Olympics 2016 | STASH MAGAZINE

Claro Sports Olympics 2016 | STASH MAGAZINE

Client/brand: UNO TV / CLARO SPORTS
Artist/designer: Gabriela Badillo, Enrique Sañudo
Studio: Combo
Year created: 2016

SUBMIT YOUR PITCH ART for a chance to have it displayed to over 500 top industry folks on the main screen at the STYLE FRAMES Design Conference Nov 7-8 in New York.

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1. Artist/designer
2. Studio
3. Client/brand
4. Year created
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