L愛VE is the Beginning of all Good Things

From CLAN in Moscow: “As a schoolboy unintentionally draws a dick on a hunch on his desk we tried to close this art gestalt through a compilation of sexual sketches.

“Collection of love installations, an orgy of meanings, a simple and sensible dialogue reminds us that love is different, that love is the beginning of all good things in the universe.”
L愛VE short film by Clan Team | STASH MAGAZINE

L愛VE short film by Clan Team | STASH MAGAZINE

L愛VE short film by Clan Team | STASH MAGAZINE

L愛VE short film by Clan Team | STASH MAGAZINE

L愛VE short film by Clan Team | STASH MAGAZINE

L愛VE short film by Clan Team | STASH MAGAZINE

Production: CLAN
Team: Anton Shavkero, Alex Gorin, Iliya Korolev, Ivan Rys, Zinnur Mustafin, Yuriy Adam
Sound: Daruma Audio