Luc Besson and Mikros Image Bring ATMs to Valerian

A BNP Paribas ATM handles requests from a trio of characters borrowed from the Valerian universe in these spots directed by Luc Besson himself with wonderful animation work by Mikros Image in Paris.

I’ve posted the original French version above as the casting for the ATM voice is what all AI voices of the future should be (even if you don’t speak French).

English versions also appear below.
Adalat Körm English

Jaasnor Original

Jaasnor English

Behind the scenes:

Client: BNP Paribas

Director: Luc Besson

Animation: Mikros Image
Production : Benoît Di Sabatino
Responsable studio : Benoit Holl
Responsable pub : Fabrice Damolini
Producteur VFX : Pascal Giroux
Chargée d’Affaire : Marie-Ange Rousseau
Superviseur VFX : Guillaume Ho
Superviseur CG : Mickael Girod
Previz : Geoffroy Barbet Massin, Baptiste Sola
Character Design : Thomas Haas-Christensen
Responsable Matte Painting : Christophe Courgeau
Matte Painting : Christophe Courgeau, Thomas Revidon, Benoit Duroi, Jessica Ferry, Alexia Ferry, Matthieu Arnauld
Modeling personnages : Thomas Haas-Christensen, Vincent Coni; Rida Simmou, Guillaume Kerfriden
Modeling Vaisseaux Décor & Props : Nicolas Du That, Alexandre Laroumet, Victoria Leger
Textures/Shading/Lighting : Guillaume Dadaglio, Jonathan Deniard, Yannick Emeneya, Andre Monteiro, Mickael Girod, Guillaume Ho
TD : Michael Etienne
Superviseur Animation : Alexandre Henri
Setup : Alexandre Sauthier
Animateurs : Alexandre Henri, Fanny Brotot, Elodie Lenaerts, Cédric Jeanne, Augustin Paillard, Geoffroy Barbet Massin, Jeremy Soudjoukdjian, Alexandre Sauthier
FX : William Untereiner, Soufiane Kadache
Motion Design/interface : Michael Moercant, Dany Lacarelle, Camille Vinet, Ludovic Christolomme
Superviseur Compositing : Stéphane Pivron
Compositing : Sébastien Podsiadlo, Stéphane Pivron, Guillaume Dadaglio, Jonathan Deniard, Andre Monteiro, Mickael Girod
Compositing stereo : Olivier Raveneau