Fedge Dishes Out the Big Truth About Tiny Plastic

Director Maria Leon (aka Diederik Jeangout) at Belgian prodco Fledge leverages generative AI to drive home a powerful message from Amsterdam-based marine conservation NGO Plastic Soup Foundation on the problem of nanoplastics now being detected in unborn children.

From Fledge: “As a next phase in our awakening about the global and unprecedented issue of plastic pollution, this film serves as a conversation starter about how nanoplastics are impacting our health.”
Life is Plastic Plastic Soup Foundation Maria Leon Fledge | STASH MAGAZINE

Life is Plastic Plastic Soup Foundation Maria Leon Fledge | STASH MAGAZINE

Life is Plastic Plastic Soup Foundation Maria Leon Fledge | STASH MAGAZINE

Life is Plastic Plastic Soup Foundation Maria Leon Fledge | STASH MAGAZINE

Life is Plastic Plastic Soup Foundation Maria Leon Fledge | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Plastic Soup Foundation

Production: Fledge
Director: Maria Leon