Meet the Grill’d Burger Vigilante

Three new 80s-cartoon-flavored spots from WIZZ director Gary Levesque and Unlisted help build the case against unsustainable, unhealthy, and unnatural practices of fast-food giants for Australian burger chain Grill’d.

Inspired by the titles of animated kid’s shows like Captain Planet and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the spots were produced through Melbourne agency The Monkeys.

Claire Madigan, producer at WIZZ in Paris: “Like any comedy script, the secret is timing. The biggest challenge here was probably containing our ideas to 15 or 30 seconds.

“With a character and creative as fun as this, it was hard to hold back but being concise is what makes the absurd humor effective.

“The deadline was tight for an entire campaign, but we set out to approach this as if Michael Bay was directing an animated series in Japan for Adult Swim starring a burger vigilante à la Chuck Norris, so we got a great team that had a blast working on it.”
Grill’d VS Plastic Toys (above)
Grill’d VS Chemicals

Grill’d VS Evil

Client: Grill’d

Agency: The Monkeys
CEO: Paul McMillan
CCO: Ant Keogh
CD: Hugh Gurney, Joe Sibley
Head of Production: Romanca Mundrea
Senior Producer: Jo Alach
Senior Craft Designer: Raph Tamkalis
Senior Designer: Chris Thompson

Production: Unlisted
Executive Producer: Katie Mackin
Producer: Su Mei Chia

Animation: WIZZ / Quad Group
Director: Gary Levesque
Producer: Claire Madigan
Executive Producer: Matthieu Poirier
Production Coordinator Valentin Maupin
Designs: Remus & Kiki, Gary Levesque
Background Artist: Umeshu Lovers / Sylvain Sarrailh
2D Animation: Angus Pepper, Pierre Rutz, Loup Bouchet, Catherine Benz, Lise Legier,
Eden Chan
2D Assistants: Benjamin Oualid, Alma Frohlich
Compositing: Mathieu Bétard
Assistant compositor: Adrien Pires

Music: Electric Dreams
Executive Producer: Leyla Varela
Songwriter: Hugh Sibley

Sound Design: Squeak E. Clean Studios
Head Sound Designer: Paul Le Couteur
Executive Producer: Ceri Davis