Wes Cockx Launches Bing Chat for Microsoft

Brooklyn director and CG maven Wes Cockx raced the clock to deliver this kinetic launch film showcasing the features and possibilities of Microsoft’s new AI-powered Bing Chat in just two weeks.

Wes Cockx: “The biggest challenge with this project was definitely the turnaround. I was briefed for kickoff on Wednesday, April 19th, and delivered everything on Monday, May 1st.

“All screen UI’s we’re delivered by Microsoft as stills in Figma > cleaned up in Illustrator > animated in After Effects and exported to use as animated materials in Redshift/Cinema 4D. While those were being adjusted and signed off, camera movement and environments were being set up.

“After sign-offs, everything had to go very fast to send finals to the farm for 4K renders. In the meantime, the full edit of the film was being made with the wireframe animations which Zelig used to start building the soundtrack. It was stressful at times but also a very satisfying challenge.”
Microsoft Bing Chat Launch Film Wes Cockx | STASH MAGAZINE

Microsoft Bing Chat Launch Film Wes Cockx | STASH MAGAZINE

Microsoft Bing Chat Launch Film Wes Cockx | STASH MAGAZINE

Microsoft Bing Chat Launch Film Wes Cockx | STASH MAGAZINE

Microsoft Bing Chat Launch Film Wes Cockx | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Microsoft

Director/animator: Wes Cockx
Music/sound design: Zelig Sound