Adult Swim Final Space IDs by Awesome Inc

From Awesome Inc: “In this ID for Final Space, we follow Mooncake as a pinball on the playfield, ricocheting from bumper to bumper setting off bells and lights.

“The heroes and villains of Final Space are swept away by a wave of cosmic regurgitation in this surf-inspired ID for Adult Swim.”

Client: Adult Swim
SVP, Creative Director: Jason DeMarco
Sr. Production Manager: Vanessa Palacios
Sr. Editor: Sara Hardy

Production: Awesome Inc
Executive Producer: Ashley Kohler
Senior Producer: Liz Macke

“Pinball” ID
Animation & Composite: Craig Sheldon
Sound Design: Bluetube

Final Space “Cosmic River” ID
Design Director: Craig Sheldon
Animation: Mark McDonald
Composite: David Dodge
Music/Sound Design: Bluetube