TED Ed “Von Neuman Machine” by Eoin Duffy

The hypnotic combination of Eoin Duffy’s witty, minimalist animation with the understated confidence of narrator Addison Anderson may be the secret to helping everyone understand everything.

Witness this nutritious yet digestible piece for TED Ed, powered by the clarity of futurist Roey Tzezana’s writing.

ted-ed Von Neuman Machine | STASH MAGAZINE

ted-ed Von Neuman Machine | STASH MAGAZINE

ted-ed Von Neuman Machine | STASH MAGAZINE

ted-ed Von Neuman Machine | STASH MAGAZINE

Educator Roey Tzezana
Script Editor: Emma Bryce
Director: Eoin Duffy
Animator: Eoin Duffy
Composer: Wesley Slover
Content Producer: Gerta Xhelo
Editorial Producer: Alex Rosenthal
Associate Producer: Jessica Ruby