AIM Creative What is a Gig Economy TED-Ed | STASH MAGAZINE

AIM Creative Asks “What is a Gig Economy?” for TED-Ed

In their third film produced for TED-Ed and the World Economic Forum, director/illustrator Christoph Sarow and Portugal-based animation studio AIM Creative reveal the perils and pleasures faced by freelancers in today’s economy. [Watch]

TED Johan Rockström 2020 talk Brikk | STASH MAGAZINE

TED “Johan Rockström 2020” by Brikk

Brikk animation and directors’ collective in Stockholm, Sweden: “We felt humbled by the request to direct this important talk [by Swedish Earth Science professor Johan Rockström] for such a big event. [Watch]

TED Countdown Environment explainers by Giant Ant | STASH MAGAZINE

Giant Ant and Kristin Bell for TED Countdown

Giant Ant created these five environmental explainers about the urgency of combating climate change for TED in just four weeks, with a compelling VO from actress/producer Kristen Bell anchoring the message. [Watch]

TED-Ed Why You Should Read Dune | STASH MAGAZINE

TED-Ed “Why You Should Read Dune” by Recircle

Recircle studio in Zagreb, Croatia, shifts away from their usual focus on animated content for kids to craft this beautifully illustrated synopsis of Frank Herbert’s landmark 1965 sci-fi novel “Dune” for TED-Ed. [Watch]

TED-Ed The Electrifying Speeches of Sojourner Truth | STASH MAGAZINE

TED-Ed “The Electrifying Speeches of Sojourner Truth”

From TED-Ed: “Get to know the story of Sojourner Truth, a woman born into slavery who became known as a powerful orator and outspoken activist. [Watch]

“The Opposites Game” by Anna Samo and Lisa LaBracio for TED-Ed

Co-directors Anna Samo and Lisa LaBracio: “A classroom erupts into a war of words as students grapple with a seemingly simple prompt: what is the opposite of a gun? [Watch]