Floating Point Art Release “Origin” Short Film

Director Jie Liou and the team at Floating Point Art in Taipei, Taiwan, just landed on the Stash radar with the release of the studio’s first short film, a precise and expansive CG ode to convergence called Origin.

Jie Liou: “As a collective brand, FPA aims to be a new type of digital art gallery, bringing together a variety of top-tier creators. It converges diverse narrative methods through visuals. Exploring under various mediums and global trends, it seeks the forefront of the era, wandering at the essence of creativity.

“We created a balance between minimalism and hyper-realism, experimenting with piecing together fragments and delving into the challenges of technology.”

“The theme of Origin revolves around convergence, coalescence, and amalgamation. Starting with pebbles and water as the microcosmic origins, the exhibition space is crafted with Brutalist architectural structures, presenting the theme as dynamic installation art and edited in a montage style. It culminates in a portrait composed of mixed media, symbolizing the crystallization of convergence.

“Our ten-month production journey explored the micro and macro worlds from 0 to 1, from nothingness to existence. It narrates the visual philosophy of technology and analogy, nature and machinery. We created a balance between minimalism and hyper-realism, experimenting with piecing together fragments and delving into the challenges of technology. For FPA and the world, it leads a spiritual journey from within to without.”

Watch the making-of video:

Floating Point Art Origin Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Floating Point Art Origin Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Floating Point Art Origin Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Floating Point Art Origin Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Floating Point Art Origin Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Floating Point Art Origin Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
Production: FPA
Director: Jie Liou
Creative team: Jie Liou, Hakurei Neko, JiaZhen Hong, TingAn Chen, JiaYu Jin, Children Chiu
Production coordinator: Vin Lin

Music: Hsu Chia-Wei