In the Bag: TACTYC ‘s Three New Films for Michael Kors

Hard on the heels of their fabulous holiday spot for Devialet (featured in Stash 163), the crew at Munich animation/design studio TACTYC delivers three fashion-first films for luxury accessories and ready-to-wear brand Michael Kors.

Tristan Fischer, co-founder/MD at TACTYC: “The biggest challenge of the project was the schedule. Styleframes and animations had to be produced very quickly, both purposefully and efficiently. Meanwhile, the feelings of luxury had to be evoked.

“For the ‘Style is Infinite’ teaser, Michael Kors was inspired above all by M.C. Escher’s infinity staircases combined with the spiral ones inside the show’s venue. We used Houdini to build procedural and spiral stairs while focusing on cinematic scenes and staging as it was very important to integrate the bag as best as possible into the infinity staircase world.

“We used Houdini to build procedural and spiral stairs while focusing on cinematic scenes and staging as it was very important to integrate the bag as best as possible into the infinity staircase world.”


“Design-wise, the backgrounds should not steal the show from the bag, but help it to be integrated into an infinite world of style. To breathe life and atmosphere into the clean, architectural look, we played with various light animations. The priority was always to maintain a basic architectural mood and simplicity.

“For us, it is always important to transport the viewer and evoke feelings with our animations. In this case, we wanted to reach feelings of a classy 90’s world on the one hand and luxury and style on the other. Overall, it was a design challenge not to overdo things while keeping them simple, luxurious, and classy as well.”
Michael Kors handbag films by Tactyc | STASH MAGAZINE

Michael Kors handbag films by Tactyc | STASH MAGAZINE

Michael Kors handbag films by Tactyc | STASH MAGAZINE

Michael Kors handbag films by Tactyc | STASH MAGAZINE

Michael Kors handbag films by Tactyc | STASH MAGAZINE

Michael Kors handbag films by Tactyc | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Michael Kors

Production: TACTYC