International Animal Rescue “Break The Cage” by Northforge

UK directing duo Jim and Matt at Leeds animation studio Northforge merge 3D and 2D techniques to bring the plight of Armenian brown bears to the world’s attention for conservation non-profit International Animal Rescue.

Jim Hill and Matt Simpson: “We knew straight away the choice of animation would be key to the film’s power. The decision to combine 3D with more traditional line animation provides so many creative benefits. The mood is more natural and better reflects the plight of the bears.

“By combining the disciplines we gave ourselves more freedom to explore our creativity. The use of multi-layered geometric forms came from this and we used it extensively throughout the film.

“We also chose a color palette that would take the viewer on a journey. From hopeful, sun-drenched scenes towards the more oppressive ending, where tones of black and white are used to convey the mood. Overall we wanted the film to have a crafted feel, so it felt approachable and moving all at once.”

Northforge delivered this two-minute film plus various 20-second cutdowns that air across all of IAR’s social platforms.
International Animal Rescue "Break The Cage" by Northforge | STASH MAGAZINE

International Animal Rescue "Break The Cage" by Northforge | STASH MAGAZINE

International Animal Rescue "Break The Cage" by Northforge | STASH MAGAZINE

International Animal Rescue "Break The Cage" by Northforge | STASH MAGAZINE

International Animal Rescue "Break The Cage" by Northforge | STASH MAGAZINE

Client: International Animal Rescue
Digital manager: Tom Mumford
Social Media and Community Fundraising Manager: Phily Kennington

Production: Northforge
Directing duo: Jim and Matt

Composer: Jamie Wright
Sound designer: Adam Nabarro-Steel
VO: Peter Egan