“No Way Home” Realtime Cinematic by The Union

Powered by Charles Bukowski’s poem “Alone with Everybody” and rendered at 4K resolution in realtime at 60FPS, “No Way Home” by the Pakistan-based trio The Union is both a passion project and a glimpse into the future of video production.

The Union director/animators Muhammad Anzal, Nimer Aslan Vohra, and Umer Memon used Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4 and Quixel Megascans to create the film’s atmospheric vignettes.

It’s exciting to anticipate the coming days of CG when, inevitably, the democratization of powerful tools as seen here in “No Way Home” combine with the level of acting/performance achieved by Unit Image in Ubisoft’s Far Cry 6 trailer.
No Way Home real-time cinematic by The Union | STASH MAGAZINE

No Way Home real-time cinematic by The Union | STASH MAGAZINE

No Way Home real-time cinematic by The Union | STASH MAGAZINE

No Way Home real-time cinematic by The Union | STASH MAGAZINE

No Way Home real-time cinematic by The Union | STASH MAGAZINE

Production: The Union
Director/animator: Muhammad Anzal, Nimer Aslan Vohra, Umer Memon
Writer: Charles Bukowski
Toolkit: Unreal Engine 4, Quixel Megascans