Noma Bar Simplifies “Neutrality” for the Red Cross

Dutch Uncle director/illustrator Noma Bar, whose powerful work for NY Presbyterian hospital graced the cover of Stash 116, applies his signature minimalist design and delightful transitions to this “Neutrality” spot for the Red Cross.

From the Red Cross: “When war breaks out, many people pick sides. But that’s something the International Committee of the Red Cross does not do. Our mission comes from the Geneva Conventions, universal laws that preserve a degree of humanity even in the worst of wartime. They ensure civilian lives are spared and the wounded cared for.

“By not picking a side, we build trust with all fighting parties. This allows us to deliver medicine and food across frontlines, facilitate safe passage for civilians out of war zones, and share news with loved ones separated by fighting. Our work focuses on limiting peoples’ suffering, no matter who they are or what side of the fighting they are on. And the world is a better place for it.”
Red-Cross-Neutrality-spot-by-Noma-Bar-and-Dutch-Uncle | STASH MAGAZINE

Red-Cross-Neutrality-spot-by-Noma-Bar-and-Dutch-Uncle | STASH MAGAZINE

Red-Cross-Neutrality-spot-by-Noma-Bar-and-Dutch-Uncle | STASH MAGAZINE

Red-Cross-Neutrality-spot-by-Noma-Bar-and-Dutch-Uncle | STASH MAGAZINE

Red-Cross-Neutrality-spot-by-Noma-Bar-and-Dutch-Uncle | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Red Cross

Production: Dutch Uncle
Director: Noma Bar