Nothing “Techno Ballet” by Swiss International

By casting a fashion-forward praying mantis, Stockholm VFX studio Swiss International adds loads of character and quirky humor to this product film for the new wireless Ear (1) earphones by London consumer technology company Nothing.
Nothing Ear Techno Ballet by Swiss International | STASH MAGAZINE

Nothing Ear Techno Ballet by Swiss International | STASH MAGAZINE

Nothing Ear Techno Ballet by Swiss International | STASH MAGAZINE

Nothing Ear Techno Ballet by Swiss International | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Nothing

Production: Swiss International
Executive VFX Producer: Erik Holmedal
VFX Supervisor: Richard Lyon
VFX Producer: Robin Blick
VFX Artist: Thomas Ekenryd, Joel Sundberg, Benjamin Kraft, Gianluca Fratellini, Maria Avramova
Colorist: Max Strömberg