Pulla Studio Finds Tranquil Beauty in “Sooreal” Short Film

Veteran creative collective Pulla Studio takes time out from their client work to create a 90-second showcase for the team’s CG skills in this strikingly photo-real short film created with both Cinema 4D and Unreal Engine.

Shkumbin Ferizi, EP/partner at Pulla Studio: “We had been wanting to create a short film where we could express ourselves through our specialty of developing photo-real environments. The team decided to create a unique story line based on the way we see beauty and nature and the intersection between them.

“The team decided to create a unique story line based on the way we see beauty and nature and the intersection between them.”

“We have been working with CG environments for a very long time, so it was quite a smooth process and allowed us to focus on achieving a great look and clear message for the viewer. We used Cinema 4D to handle a majority of the scene creation, with Redshift acting as the primary render engine. We have also begun experimenting with Unreal and used it for some of the environments and animation.

“One of the challenges in the film was the CG person seen in several scenes (or ‘the loner’ as we like to call him). We wanted to keep everything in the film in CG but as you know it is very hard with characters to make them feel alive and well integrated.”
Sooreal short film by Pulla Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Sooreal short film by Pulla Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Sooreal short film by Pulla Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Sooreal short film by Pulla Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Sooreal short film by Pulla Studio | STASH MAGAZINE
Production: Pulla Studio