Sunglasses at Night: MinimalChat’s Ray-Ban Refractions

Seba Morales and Bel R. Tarducci at MinimalChat in La Plata, Argentina, elevate Ray-Ban’s 4323 model to an objet d’art by playing with the refractive possibilities of the sunglasses’s acrylic components.

Seba Morales and Bel R. Tarducci: “The Ray-Ban 4323 are lightweight, transparent glasses that create a slim yet bold profile. In this piece, they are showcased in a new world where the acrylic transforms into a broad, adaptable palette of colors that blend with the surroundings, creating a dynamic and surprising effect and thus revealing their versatility.

“The sunglasses connect with a vibrant and nocturnal environment, transitioning from being solely for daytime use to a fashion accessory in a nighttime setting. Taking advantage of the material’s characteristics and refractive properties, we play with the colors that emanate from it, creating energetic compositions and contemplative planes.”
Ray-Ban 4323 Sunglasses by MinimalChat | STASH MAGAZINE

Ray-Ban 4323 Sunglasses by MinimalChat | STASH MAGAZINE

Ray-Ban 4323 Sunglasses by MinimalChat | STASH MAGAZINE

Ray-Ban 4323 Sunglasses by MinimalChat | STASH MAGAZINE

Ray-Ban 4323 Sunglasses by MinimalChat | STASH MAGAZINE
Director: MinimalChat
CG artist: Seba Morales, Bel R. Tarducci, Felipe Juri
Animator: Seba Morales