TED “Johan Rockström 2020” by Brikk

Brikk animation and directors’ collective in Stockholm, Sweden: “We felt humbled by the request to direct this important talk [by Swedish Earth Science professor Johan Rockström] for such a big event.

“There’s not a dead second in this talk, therefore it was with both excitement and a healthy amount of intimidation we took on the task.

“Being a lengthy script, packed with information and data that all felt equally important, it was almost like having a seven and a half minute script with only headlines that deserved and screamed for the same attention.

“Directing a collaborative project isn’t always easy. You need to put a lot of trust in your partners, not only to deliver on time but also that what they do deliver will match with all the other parts.

“In many ways, it can be compared to laying a 10,000 piece jig-saw puzzle. There are so many different elements that need to fit together: colors, textures, patterns, stroke thickness, timing, etc. We solved that, both by doing a good chunk of the animation in-house, but also by handling all the compositing, to be able to have control over the final look.

“The aesthetics we landed on were a strong, gritty collage-style to portray the seriousness of the speech. It is still colorful, but with a dominant fiery signal orange and yellow on top of a dark cold gray.

“The textures work as a manifest of tactility and creativity and bring a kind of guerrilla-style feel to the communication. It’s packed with paper cut-outs and rips, grainy Xerox photocopies, silkscreen prints, and expressive charcoal and pen sketches.”
TED Johan Rockström 2020 talk Brikk | STASH MAGAZINE

TED Johan Rockström 2020 talk Brikk | STASH MAGAZINE

TED Johan Rockström 2020 talk Brikk | STASH MAGAZINE

TED Johan Rockström 2020 talk Brikk | STASH MAGAZINE

TED Johan Rockström 2020 talk Brikk | STASH MAGAZINE

Client: TED

Production: Brikk
Director: Brikk
Executive Producer: Brikk, Sofia Bohman
Art Director: Björn Johansson
Script: Team Effort
Storyboard: Björn Johansson
Animatic: Björn Johansson
Editor: Göran Andersson
Animation: Björn Johansson, Alexander Lory, Emma Brinck, Clara Busquets, Emil Börner, Simon Ekstrand Appel, Joakim Areschoug, Viktor Norman, Thomas Pomarelle, Philip Engström, Bee Grandinetti
Compositing: Björn Johansson
Illustration: Björn Johansson, Alexander Lory, Emma Brinck, Clara Busquets, Emil Börner, Joakim Areschoug, Philip Engström, Bee Grandinetti, David Saracino
3D Artists: Thomas Pomarelle, Viktor Norman, Simon Ekstrand Appel, Joakim Areschoug
DoP: Daniel Gustafsson
First Assistent Camera: David Mikic
Gaffer: Daniel Keith
Best boy Electric:
Audio Technician: Janna Johansson
Makeup artist: Isabel Ztirl