Toros Kose Unleashes Hydra Design Labs Brand Film

Director/designer Toros Kose in New York: “Hydra Design Labs is an automotive design studio based in California. CEO Jon Hull reached out to me about collaborating on a motion design piece that would work as the cinematic aspect of the company’s overall rebranding.

“I was immediately intrigued by the creative openness of the project and that it did not involve a design studio or agency. This opened up new, but welcome, challenges including creating the entire story and overarching concept for the piece.

“In the beginning, the concept was more of a clear red thread, visualizing the various steps of automotive design. What ended up in the final version is a more freeform take on this idea and much more of an energetic mix of visuals.

“The technical challenges were many times tied to the creative challenges. For instance, file formats vary between car designers and motion designers, so one of the first hurdles was to find out what format was ideal to export from CAD to work in Cinema 4D.

“Another challenge was how to create a car shader that looked good both close up and further away. But overall it was a great learning experience working with cars in general; how to light them, animate them etc.”
Toros Kose Hydra Design Labs Brand Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Toros Kose Hydra Design Labs Brand Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Toros Kose Hydra Design Labs Brand Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Toros Kose Hydra Design Labs Brand Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Toros Kose Hydra Design Labs Brand Film | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Hydra Design Labs

Creative director: Toros Kose
Designer/animator: Toros Kose
Editor: Toros Kose

Music: Skyence