Aggressive and Loop Elevate the WorldQuant Global Summit With Striking Motion Design

Daniel Shapiro and Alex Topaller at Aggressive re-team with their motion co-conspirators at Loop to wrap the most recent global summit for international hedge fund WorldQuant in massive LED walls of impossible-to-ignore design.

Daniel Shapiro and Alex Topaller: “We crafted a series of five immersive opening films for the event which encompassed an audience of thousands of the financial world’s industry leaders in light, motion and color.

“We developed a distinct aesthetic and animation technique for each film: from large-scale fabric dynamics, to intricate systems of growth, to expansive flights across landscapes and architectures of data, to stunning luminariums of evolving light, gradient, and color – all interwoven with sharply designed motion-type inspiring thought on the topics of the day.”
WorldQuant Global Summit branding by Aggressive and Loop | STASH MAGAZINE

WorldQuant Global Summit branding by Aggressive and Loop | STASH MAGAZINE

WorldQuant Global Summit branding by Aggressive and Loop | STASH MAGAZINE

WorldQuant Global Summit branding by Aggressive and Loop | STASH MAGAZINE

WorldQuant Global Summit branding by Aggressive and Loop | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: WQNT

Agency: Sullivan

Production: Aggressive
EP: Daniel Shapiro, Alex Topaller
Post Producer: Hannah Glaser
Post Coordinator: Isabella Crawford
Online/Finishing: Isabella Crawford, Daniel Shapiro

Animation: Loop
CD: Alex Mikhaylov, Max Chelyadnikov
Art Director: Alex Mikhaylov
CG Supervisor: Max Chelyadnikov
3D Artist: Filipp Gorbachev, Artemy Perevertin, Dmitriy Paukov, Daniil Rybkin, Roman Senko, Sergey Nezhentsev, Max Chelyadnikov
2D Artist: Pavel Khrustalev, Sasha Chertok, Alex Mikhaylov

Sound: Kambiz Aghdam