Maliboo Pays Tribute to Gerald Durrell’s Book “My Family and Other Animals”

Animation director/illustrator Maliboo in Barcelona: “For years I’ve been recommending or giving away Gerald Durrell’s book “My Family and Other Animals” to whoever came to me looking for a good read.

“The family accounts in Corfú described by the author, with all its surroundings and flamboyant characters have been deeply stuck in my mind, so I figured I had to finally do something with it.

“With this film, I wave farewell to the Durrell family for now, until I’ll read you again in other summer we shall meet in the Garden of the Gods.”
Maliboo Gerald Durrell My Family and Other Animals | STASH MAGAZINE

Maliboo Gerald Durrell My Family and Other Animals | STASH MAGAZINE

Maliboo Gerald Durrell My Family and Other Animals | STASH MAGAZINE

Maliboo Gerald Durrell My Family and Other Animals | STASH MAGAZINE

Maliboo Gerald Durrell My Family and Other Animals | STASH MAGAZINE
Production: Brut
Director/animator: Maliboo
ECD: Martin Allais
EP: Maud Beckers
Head of Production: Sara Camacho Gutiérrez
Studio Manager: Marga López
Artwork: Maliboo, Mar Hernández, Studio Mostro
Clean up: Eva Puyuelo, Marga López, Studio Mostro, Maliboo

Music: Franklin