Suspenders Studio: “Float” (Trailer)

Ok, so there’s a funny little boat full of pigs dressed in hats and uniforms tearing across this hyper-trippy waterscape hanging onto their fishing rods for dear life because they’ve hooked this massive fish-whale thing…

What it all means or where it is leading, I have no idea. But the cell shaded characters and environment in this trailer for “Float” by Suspenders Studio in Tokyo look fabulous – plus I really want to know what happens to that little pig floating underwater at the end.
Suspenders Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Suspenders Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Suspenders Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Suspenders Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Production: Suspenders
Director, CG animator: Kohei Yoshino
CG design, animation: Satoru Kaneko
Image board: Yoshitoshi Shinomiya
Music: Haruna Karasuda