Born Free Foundation “The Bitter Bond” by Zombie Studio

From the release:

At least 70% of South Africa’s lions are born in captivity and bred for tourists to hug and take a photo with. When the lions grow too big for cuddles they’re sold to trophy hunters and shot in ‘canned hunting’ facilities.

At no point are they ever free to roam. Not only is this cruel and inhumane practice legal, but it’s flourishing in South Africa.

‘The Bitter Bond’ is a 2-minute animated film, created by Zombie Studio in collaboration with Blinkink and Engine. It aims to raise awareness of the issue of canned hunting and prompt the public to sign a petition to urge the South African government to stop the practice.

Set to the Academy Award-winning song “Born Free” performed by Matt Monro, the film tells the story of a lion keeper and her cub that ends in the ultimate betrayal. It shows how those who are responsible for raising and nurturing a lion are the ones ultimately responsible for – and profiting from – their death.

The film relies on misdirection, leading the audience to feel the keeper is a positive presence, until the last moment when it’s revealed that she has profited from the lion’s death in the coldest way imaginable. It’s unique animation style is the result of three months’ work by Zombie Studio, who combined the richness and beauty of hand-crafted sets with 3D animation for the film.

Client: Born Free Foundation
Animation: Zombie Studio
In collaboration with: Blinkink, Engine