Drasik Studio Return to “Bend Reality” and Find Brotherhood

With the third chapter in their Bend Reality short film series, the crew at Barcelona’s Drasik Studio deploy anime and glitchy underground animation styles for an action/fantasy look at the concept of brotherhood.

Drasik CD/EP Monica Ferri: “Bend Reality is our passion project, born with the aim of doing something for us, without boundaries and clients, to express our mindset that in a constantly changing world, transformation is the only way to self-improvement.

“In this new release, we wanted to put into visuals the concept of brotherhood, which is the affection and loyalty that you feel for people with whom you have something in common.”

“This is the third film in this series, a new statement of intent to keep translating our vision of reality to fantasy worlds through animation. In this new release, we wanted to put into visuals the concept of brotherhood, which is the affection and loyalty that you feel for people with whom you have something in common.

“In terms of narrative, the heroes from the first and second parts of Bend Reality are kids here, so this video is the starting point of our story. Visually speaking, this new video explores a different style, closer to Japanese anime with some hints of an underground style. To do this, we created an intense atmosphere that plays with pacing, motion, ambiance, and perceptions with bold characters.”

Side note: We liked the first chapter of Bend Reality so much we put it on the cover of Stash 140.

Watch the animation process reel:

Drasik Studio Bend Reality Brotherhood | STASH MAGAZINE

Drasik Studio Bend Reality Brotherhood | STASH MAGAZINE

Drasik Studio Bend Reality Brotherhood | STASH MAGAZINE

Drasik Studio Bend Reality Brotherhood | STASH MAGAZINE

Drasik Studio Bend Reality Brotherhood | STASH MAGAZINE
Production: Drasik Studio

Director: Drasik Studio

EP: Monica Ferri
Storyboard: Eric Closas
Concept artist: Iván Rodríguez, Paula Sánchez, Alba García
Cel Animator: Eric Closas, Raquel Medina, Sabela Cadarso, Esther Mateu, Alba García, Alba Galván, Esther Carreras, Inma Aznar
Compositor: Paula Sánchez

Music/sound design: Drasik Studio