FutureDeluxe Conjures the “Ultimate Design” For Huawei

CDs Tom Crate and Dave Webster at FutureDeluxe in London amp up the drama for an elemental reveal of Huawei’s Ultimate Design luxury smartwatch (complete with black nanocrystal ceramic bezel and 18K gold inlays).

Tom Crate and Dave Webster: “The client was looking for a product film with a heavy emphasis on visualizing the product and showing off the premium materials and high-quality craftsmanship. The biggest creative challenge was incorporating a sense of story and flow to make the film engaging while still being heavily product-focused.

“Our solution was to introduce a sense of mystery at the start of the film through the elements breaking apart and following the journey of a single piece of gold as it connects to the watch body. We then tried to maintain a sense of progression by gradually revealing more of the watch.

“Technically, quickly moving the story of raw material to the refined end product forward was a challenge. We solved it with a combination of displacement techniques in Houdini and some tight editing.”
FutureDeluxe Huawei Ultimate Design Watch | STASH MAGAZINE

FutureDeluxe Huawei Ultimate Design Watch | STASH MAGAZINE

FutureDeluxe Huawei Ultimate Design Watch | STASH MAGAZINE

FutureDeluxe Huawei Ultimate Design Watch | STASH MAGAZINE

FutureDeluxe Huawei Ultimate Design Watch | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Huawei

Production: FutureDeluxe
Creative Director: Tom Crate, Dave Webster
EP: Svet Lapcheva
Senior Producer: Kavita Daggar
Senior Art Director: Joey Phinn
Senior 3D Designer: Stevie Rees
3D Designers: Chris Harrison, Ivan Outeiral, Ziyad Abahussin, Dylan Da Silva, Yaroslav Svyatykh
3D Modeller: Alex Whyles

Sound design: Echoic Audio