FX Networks “Baskets” Season 4 Teaser by Awesome Inc.

Atlanta animation masters Awesome Inc. kickstart Zach Galifinakis’ morning commute in this teaser promo for the fourth season premiere of Baskets on FX.
FX Networks - Baskets Season 4 Teaser by Awesome Inc | STASH MAGAZINE

FX Networks - Baskets Season 4 Teaser by Awesome Inc | STASH MAGAZINE

Client: FX Networks
President, Multi-Platform Marketing and Content & Editorial: Stephanie Gibbons
EVP, Content & Editorial: Carol Weiler
SVP, Motion Design: Steve Viola
SVP, Content & Editorial: Ethan Adelman
VP, Motion Design: Albert Romero
VP, Production, Motion Design: Dara Barton
AD, Motion Design: Andre Carbonari
Sound Design: Paul Harris VP, Content & Editorial

Production: Awesome Inc.
EP: Ashley Kohler
Senior producer: Liz Macke
Design director: Craig Sheldon
Background/character art: Nuri Keli
Cel animation: Mark McDonald
Animation/composite: Aleksander Saharovsky