Eminem Snoop Dogg From The D 2 The LBC Music video James Larese | STASH MAGAZINE

Eminem & Snoop Dogg “From The D 2 The LBC” Music video by James Larese and Nathan Love

Veteran director James Larese at London Alley in LA adds to his vast canon of music videos with this trippy hybrid of live-action, animation, and comic art that gives a smokey nod to Gorillaz, The Spider-Verse, and Bored Apes. [Watch]

Katy Perry Smile music video | STASH MAGAZINE

Katy Perry “Smile” by Mathew Cullen and Joe Burrascano

In one of the most ambitious animated music videos of the last decade, London Alley director Mathew Cullen and Nathan Love animation director Joe Burrascano rally a massive crew for Katy Perry’s surreal circus romp in “Smile”. [Watch]