Antibody Zooms Out of the “3 Body Problem”

3 Body Problem, the Netflix sci-fi series from Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and Dan Weiss, premiered March 21 with these intricate and enigmatic titles from Patrick Clair and Raoul Marks at Anitbody in Sydney.

Patrick Clair: “For this project, we faced a rare example of true ‘hard sci-fi’ being adapted for the screen. The show takes an unusual and realistic view of physics and relativity: a 400-year journey across the cosmos. The showrunners wanted a sequence that wrestled with the magnitude of space and the extraordinary complexity that exists at different scales of reality.

“We wanted to convey the exponential scale of traveling from an atomic scale to a galactic scale. There was a lot of time spitballing questions like ‘even though it’s impossible to see something smaller than a single proton, what would an atom look like?”

“We thought it would be cool to move beyond a purely visible light spectrum view of the universe and imagine what we see if only electricity was visualized, or gravity/heat/electricity.”

“Or vice versa ‘what if we could see the Oort Cloud?’ – we thought it would be cool to move beyond a purely visible light spectrum view of the universe and imagine what we see if only electricity was visualized, or gravity/heat/electricity. All of this inquiry culminated in the somewhat abstract exponential zoom that makes up the backbone of the final sequence.

“The most important thing I can say is that working on this project was a prime example of the truism that it’s the people and collaborators that matter. The showrunning team leading this project – David Benioff & D.B. Weiss, and Alexander Woo – were patient, generous, and inspired. Along with producers Bernadette Caulfield and Hameed Shaukat, they collectively proved that TV is the ultimate collaborative medium.

“We completed work on this project shortly before the AI revolution started changing the way we all make images, and this sequence was a demonstration that no matter what an algorithm can achieve, it’s the human factor that makes great storytelling.”
3 Body Problem Title Sequence Antibody | STASH MAGAZINE

3 Body Problem Title Sequence Antibody | STASH MAGAZINE

3 Body Problem Title Sequence Antibody | STASH MAGAZINE

3 Body Problem Title Sequence Antibody | STASH MAGAZINE

3 Body Problem Title Sequence Antibody | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: Netflix

Production: Antibody
CD: Patrick Clair
Creative Lead: Raoul Marks
EP: Carol Salek
Managing Partner: Bridget Walsh