B!POD “Earth” Product Film by Playback.design

Following on their stellar OneBlade razor brand film, AD/designer Evaldas Česnavičius and the CG crew at PlayBack.design elevate another green product in this film for the B!POD food preservation system.

Evaldas Česnavičius: “SAES Design House commissioned us to create three films: Nature, Sea, and Air for their DRO!D device B!POD launch event on Earth day 2022. DRO!D is a device that allows creating a vacuum inside its containers and preserves food five times longer.

“We are excited to be part of this campaign and are very proud to work with companies that develop products to reduce food waste and human impact on Earth.”
Bipod Earth Product Film by Playbackdesign | STASH MAGAZINE

Bipod Earth Product Film by Playbackdesign | STASH MAGAZINE

Bipod Earth Product Film by Playbackdesign | STASH MAGAZINE

Bipod Earth Product Film by Playbackdesign | STASH MAGAZINE

Bipod Earth Product Film by Playbackdesign | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: SAES Design House

Production: Playback.design
Director: Playback.design
Art Director/Designer: Evaldas Česnavičius
TD: Giedrius Paulauskas
Animator: Almantas Vasiliauskas

Music/Sound design: Andrius Kauklys