OPCC Consent Explainer by Director Tim Ruffle and Aardman | STASH MAGAZINE

OPCC “Consent” Explainer by Director Tim Ruffle and Aardman

This new animated film Aardman director Tim Ruffle for the Gloucestershire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), was commissioned to help tackle violence and intimidation against women and girls. Producer Nick Miller at Aardman in Bristol, UK: “Aardman is keen to support projects that help young people in the South West, and in […] [Watch]

Meet Your Covid Vaccine PSA by Duke & Duck | STASH MAGAZINE

“Meet Your Covid Vaccine” PSA by Duke & Duck

From Duke & Duck, a remote content studio based in Washington D.C.: “Our friends at agency Reingold, reached out to us for an animated PSA commissioned by The Virginia Department of Health detailing the safety and importance of the COVID-19 vaccine. [Watch]

Rubber Bullets PSA by Dan Brown and Royale Film Co | STASH MAGAZINE

Dan Brown and Royale Film Co. Reveal the Dangers of “Rubber Bullets”

Royale Film Co. in Austin, TX: “Inspired by horrific injuries incurred by protestors in Austin, Texas (including a permanently brain-damaged college student), this spot illustrates exactly the kind of damage rubber bullets can do. [Watch]

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Dance Battle | STASH MAGAZINE

Persistent Peril Stage “Dance Battle” for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Producer Sam Bourner at UK animation and illustration studio Persistent Peril: “We were honored to help tell the story of Elizabeth Garcia, a 9-year-old leukemia survivor (and serious hip hop fan), depicting her fight against leukemia as a dance battle. [Watch]

#wemattertoo short film | STASH MAGAZINE

“Every Sentence Shouldn’t be a Death Sentence.”

International production company Park Pictures director Savanah Leaf and Park Pictures executive producer Cody Ryder shed light on the dangerous lack of health and safety standards for incarcerated individuals during the COVID-19 crisis in “#WeMatterToo”, an animated PSA created in partnership with the Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC) and Imagine Justice. [Watch]

“Stop Climate Change” Fellow Americans PSA | STASH MAGAZINE

Fellow Americans “Stop Climate Change” PSA by Masayoshi Nakamura

Masayoshi Nakamura (aka Good General) is a NY-based art director/animator from Japan: “This is an animated PSA for the non-profit organization Fellow Americans calling to stop climate change. [Watch]